Australian Painter, 1864-1947
Australian painter. After studying in Melbourne under G. F. Folingsby (d 1891), he moved to Europe in 1884 and studied in London under P. H. Calderon and in Paris under Jean-Paul Laurens, who introduced him to the Societe des Artistes Francais in 1887. His early works consisted mainly of mythological subjects and graceful images of pleasant Symbolist landscapes; he defected to the New Salon in 1901 and produced some less decorative works, including images of biblical subjects. A long series of paintings of women followed, but his style again changed abruptly when in 1913 he exhibited at the Salon d'Automne a series of images of dancers, The Rite, that shows the influence of Primitivism. Although not attracted to the avant-garde, Bunny showed an adventurous spirit in his unusual sense of colour, sense of rhythm and witty use of his subjects' poses. He continued to live in Paris and London until 1933. Related Paintings of Rupert Bunny :. | Apres le Bain | Summer Morning | The Sun Bath | Shrimp fishers at Saint-Georges | Moonlight Sonata, | Related Artists:
fredrik westinFredric Westin, född den 22 september 1782 i Stockholm, död 13 maj 1862 i Stockholm, historie- och porträttmålare.
Westin hade varit elev hos Lorens Pasch d.y. och Louis Masreliez på Konstakademien. Sedan han 1808 blivit kallad till akademiens agr?? och förordnad till konduktör vid kungliga museet blev han 1812 invald i Konstakademiens styrelse. Han blev 1815 vice professor och 1816 professor vid Konstakademien. Där var han också 1828-1840 direktör. 1843 utnämndes han till hovintendent.
Till hans tidigare skede och till hans främsta alster hör "Dagens stunder", fyra dörrstycken i Karl Johans sängkammare på Rosersbergs slott med antikiserande figurer: Aurora som strör blommor över jorden, Apollon med sitt fyrspann, Diana följd av Aftonrodnaden samt Natten med sitt stjärnströdda dok (1812-13). På Säfstaholms slott finns "De fyra årstiderna presiderade av jordens gudinna" (1843), på Rosendals slott "Hebe med örnen" (1832) och "Flora bekransande Linn??s byst" (1843) och vid Stockholms universitet "Musiken, föreställd av en grupp unga flickor". Han målade också kompositioner ur den svenska historien ("Olof Skötkonungs dop", "Lutherska lärans antagande").
Westin målade en stor mängd porträtt då han under Karl XIV Johans tid var konstnären på modet. Som porträttmålare var han dock inte enhälligt uppskattad. En kritiker som Silverstolpe beklagade 1809 att en konstnär som "äger så mycken färdighet till stöd för sitt sökande av idealet" sysselsatte sig med en konst av så lågt värde och hoppades att han "måtte återvända från den platta verkliga världen till den poetiska." Hammarsköld menade 1818 att av de svenska konstnärerna var det Westin som hade de ringaste anlagen för porträttmålning. Scholander kallade hans porträtt för "vaxgubbar". Andra hade lovord att fälla över Westins porträtt. Gerss ansåg att Westins porträtt hade likhet och behag i uttrycket, enkelhet i ställning och klädsel, urval av natur i formerna och säkerhet och sanning i utförandet. Wennberg kallade honom "den förste svenske tecknarens Lorenz Paschs så värdige fosterson".
Under Karl XIV Johans tid målade han rad porträtt på kungafamiljen. 1824 målade han en populär allegori över kronprinsessan Josefinas ankomst till Sverige, där Saga i gul och blå dräkt sitter på marken framför en runsten och blickar upp mot skyn där kronprinsessan i röd och vit dräkt svävar ned på en molntapp omgiven av tre amoriner. 1838 målade han Karl XIV Johan till häst på Ladugårdsgärdet hälsande med den trekantiga hatten.
Efter att Sandbergs altartavla för Sankt Jacobs kyrka hade underkänts vände sig de ansvariga till Westin med uppdraget att måla en altartavla. Målningen, "Kristi förklaring" var klar 1828 och resultatet blev både hyllat och kritiserat. Andra altartavlor av Westin finns i Kungsholms kyrka ("Kristi uppståndelse", 1825), Åbo domkyrka ("Kristi förklaring", 1836), Uddevalla kyrka ("Kristus välsignar barnen") samt Carl Gustafs kyrka ("Kristi begravning", 1832).
Simone Martini1283-1344
Simone Martini Locations
He was a major figure in the development of early Italian painting and greatly influenced the development of the International Gothic style. It is thought that Martini was a pupil of Duccio di Buoninsegna, the leading Sienese painter of his time. His brother-in-law was the artist Lippo Memmi. Very little documentation survives regarding Simone's life, and many attributions are debated by art historians. Simone Martini died while in the service of the Papal court at Avignon in 1344.
Simone was doubtlessly apprenticed from an early age, as would have been the normal practice. Among his first documented works is the Maest?? of 1315 in the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena. A copy of the work, executed shortly thereafter by Lippo Memmi in San Gimignano, testifies to the enduring influence Simone's prototypes would have on other artists throughout the fourteenth century. Perpetuating the Sienese tradition, Simone's style contrasted with the sobriety and monumentality of Florentine art, and is noted for its soft, stylized, decorative features, sinuosity of line, and unsurpassed courtly elegance. Simone's art owes much to French manuscript illumination and ivory carving: examples of such art were brought to Siena in the fourteenth century by means of the Via Francigena, a main pilgrimage and trade route from Northern Europe to Rome.
Simone's major works include the Maest?? (1315) in the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena, St Louis of Toulouse Crowning the King at the Museo di Capodimonte in Naples (1317), the S. Caterina Polyptych in Pisa (1319) and the Annunciation and two Saints at the Uffizi in Florence (1333), as well as frescoes in the Chapel of St. Martin in the lower church of the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi. Francis Petrarch became friend with Simone while in Avignon, and two of his sonnets make reference to a portrait of Laura de Noves he supposedly painted for the poet.
Franz von StuckGerman Symbolist/Expressionist Painter and Sculptor, 1863-1928
Stuck was born at Tettenweis, in Bavaria. From an early age he displayed an affinity for drawing and caricature. To begin his artistic education in 1878 he went to Munich, where he would settle for life. From 1881 to 1885 Stuck attended the Munich Academy.
He first made a name with cartoons for Fliegende Blätter, and vignette designs for programmes and book decoration. In 1889 he exhibited his first paintings at the Munich Glass Palace, winning a gold medal for The Guardian of Paradise.
In 1892 Stuck co-founded the Munich Secession, and also executed his first sculpture, Athlete. The following year he won further acclaim with the critical and public success of what is now his most famous work, The Sin. Also in 1893, Stuck was awarded a gold medal for painting at the Chicago World's Fair and was appointed to a royal professorship. In 1895 he began teaching painting at the Munich Academy.
In 1897 Stuck married an American widow, Mary Lindpainter, and began work designing his own residence and studio, the Villa Stuck. His designs for the villa included everything from layout to interior decorations; for his furniture Stuck received another gold medal at the 1900 Paris World Exposition.
Having attained a high degree of fame by this time, Stuck was elevated to the aristocracy on December 9, 1905 and would receive further public honours from around Europe during the remainder of his life. Even as new trends in art left Stuck behind, he continued to be highly respected among young artists in his capacity as professor at the Munich Academy. Notable students of his over the years include Paul Klee, Hans Purrmann, Wassily Kandinsky, and Josef Albers.
Franz von Stuck died in 1928; his funeral address memorialized him as "the last prince of art of Munich's great days". He is buried in the Munich Waldfriedhof next to his wife Mary.